SwiftVia Logistics Logo


Pivacy Policy

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    SwiftVia Logistics LTD is dedicated to safeguarding your privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines everything relating to your usage of our services and personal information. Using our website, application, or services means you have read, understood, and agreed to this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service.

    Definitions and Key Terms:

    To ensure clarity, specific terms in this Privacy Policy are defined as follows:

    ·Cookie: Small data files stored by your web browser that help identify your browser and store

    .Company: Any Refers to SwiftVia Logistics Ltd., located in Lagos, Nigeria.

    .Customer: The entity using SwiftVia's services to manage relationships with consumers or service users.

    .Device: Any internet-connected device (e.g., phone, tablet, computer) used to access Swif.

    .Any IP Address: A unique number assigned to devices connected to the Internet, used to identify the device's location.

    .Personal Data: Information allowing the identification of a natural person.n.

    .Personnel: Individuals employed or contracted by SwiftVia.

    .Service: The services provided by SwiftVia, as described in the terms and on the platform.

    .Third-Party Service: Advertisers, sponsors, or partners providing content or products/services.

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    Information Automatically Collected

    When you visit our platform, certain information (e.g., IP address, browser details) is automatically collected for purposes such as internet connection, security, and analytics. We use such data for security measures, operations, and analytics.

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    For SwiftVia staff, voluntarily provided information is collected for Human Resources purposes, including benefits administration and applicant screening. Such data can be updated, corrected, or deleted based on your request.

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    Sales of Business

    In the event of a business transfer, we reserve the right to transfer information to a third party, provided they adhere to this Privacy Policy.

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    In the event of a business transfer, we reserve the right to transfer information to a third party, provided they adhere to this Privacy Policy.

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    Governing Law

    This Privacy Policy is governed by Nigerian law. By using SwiftVia, you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of Nigerian courts..

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    Your Consent

    By using SwiftVia, registering an account, or making a payment, you consent to our Privacy Policy and agree to its terms.

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    Links to Other Websites

    Our Privacy Policy applies solely to our Services. We are not responsible for third-party websites and should review their privacy policies.

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    We use cookies to enhance website functionality. You can turn off cookies, but it may impact certain features. We do not store data in cookies.

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    In the event of a business transfer, we reserve the right to transfer information to a third party, provided they adhere to this Privacy Policy.

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    Remarketing Services

    We use remarketing services to serve ads to previous website visitors across the Internet.

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    Payment Details

    Confidential payment information is stored securely.

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    Kids' Privacy

    We do not knowingly collect information from individuals under 13 years old. Parents can contact us to address any such cases.

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    Changes to Our Privacy Policy

    We may update our Privacy Policy, and users are informed of changes before they take effect. Continued use implies acceptance .

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    Third-Party Services

    We provide links or access to third-party content, and users engage with them at their own risk, subject to the third parties' terms.

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    Facebook Pixel

    SwiftVia uses Facebook Pixel for analytics, adhering to Facebook's Privacy Policy. .

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    Tracking Technologies

    We use Google Maps API for specific functionalities, following Google's Privacy Policy.

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    Contact Us

    For further queries, concerns, or questions, reach us via email at [email protected]